As an employer in the defence industry, you can tap into the skills and knowledge of leading third-year and honours year university students through the Victorian Defence Industry Scholarships program funded by the Defence Science Institute.

Host Companies
This program is available to small and medium enterprises with a production and design capability based in Victoria that have defence contracts or who are part of the defence industry supply chain.
When a student is placed with your company, you will be eligible for a $4,500 grant to assist with the placement of the student. Students are not paid a wage for their time with your company and receive a $4,500 scholarship from Defence Science Institute..
Placements take place over the course of a university semester, but
placement periods can be negotiated with the university and student if
you require more flexible arrangements.
Students will benefit from work-integrated learning that contributes toward the completion of their degree, while your company will benefit from the higher skills input from those students in applied project or research work.
Important information
Students must be engaged in meaningful learning and not in productive work, in accordance with Fair Work rules.
Advice from the Fair Work Ombudsman regarding student placements
The Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman has produced a fact sheet for employers providing vocational placements to students.
An employer guide to work activities for students
Ai Group has produced this advice for companies looking to place higher education students within their organisation. From how to get started to frequently asked questions, this is an invaluable resource for all host companies engaging universities
for research or project work.
Working Securely with Defence: A Guide to Defence
Working Securely with Defence is a guide to Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) membership and is designed to help any business or organisation that would like to work with or expand their engagement with Defence and Defence industry.
Developed by the Security Working Group of the Ai Group Defence Council in cooperation with the Department of Defence, the purpose of the guide is to:
- provide the pathway for your business to become eligible for classified and sensitive Defence work through participation in the DISP;
- provide practical guidance, tools and expert advice to help protect Australian organisations from a range of security threats;
- help build the competitiveness and security resilience of the Defence industry sector through good security practices; and
- assure international investors and partners of industry’s commitment to Defence security.